🇺🇸President's Day SALE! 🇺🇸 15% Off Any Order*: Code: PRESDAY15 | 20% Off Orders $200+*: Code: PRESDAY20 + DETAILS


Looking to add a little gentle exfoliation to your bath or shower routine? Our natural sea sponges for bathing are right up your alley. Instead of being made of synthetic (read: plastic) materials, these natural sponges come from the sea. They’re grown, not created, and they offer gentle exfoliation without being too harsh or drying.

Sea moss and sea grass are two of the types of bath sea sponges for sale we’ve selected as some of our favorites for bath and body use. It’s a beautiful way to repurpose natural materials, with no waste product. What’s more is that these exfoliating body sponges naturally inhibit bacteria growth and won’t harbor odors or residue. They rinse clean, ready for your next use. We love them with our natural soaps for maximum benefit!